Adventurous Mormon Girl

My first artifact is an Air Force flag! My dad serves in the United States Air Force, so I have been raised as a military brat. I have lived in California, Germany, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Virginia, which really is not very many places for a military brat. This flag is a symbol of my culture because the Air Force is the reason I have experienced many different cultures and met so many different people. My middle school in Virginia and my high school in Colorado are exact opposites, but I have learned to appreciate and love both experiences. Being able to live in many different places has helped my family grow closer and it has also helped us all become better at making new friends. I love to travel and was able to travel in Europe this summer. The Air Force has sent my dad all over the world, and that has shaped my life because it has taught me to love new people, places, food, and to always be open to new experiences.

This picture shows my CTR ring and a copy of the Book of Mormon, both of which represent my religious culture. CTR stands for Choose The Right, and my ring reminds me daily to make the correct choices that I am taught in the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. My religion has had a huge impact on my life, as it has molded my attitude and outlook on life. Being raised LDS, or Mormon, has taught me the purpose of life on earth and has given me hope through my trials. The testimony I have of this gospel has helped me throughout my life, as I know I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father and that He has a plan for me. My religion has led me to study at Brigham Young University, where I am surrounded by others that believe the same things I do. As a member of the LDS faith, I do not participate in many activities that your typical college student may enjoy, but I have so much fun at school with all of my friends. My faith has impacted my life because it has taught me how to make correct choices that make me truly happy and is constantly helping grow into a better person. My religion has shaped me because the gospel is not just something I know is true, but it is a way of life that I love.

My climbing shoes are a symbol of my culture because I lived in Colorado for all of high school and my favorite part of Colorado is the outdoor adventures you can have there. Because I lived in Colorado for so long and experienced the culture of outdoor fun, I love to be outside more than anything else. My friends from Colorado taught me how to climb and climbing has now become one of my favorite things to do! Climbing taught me to work hard at something and not give up until I accomplish my goal. Outdoor fun is a big aspect of the culture in Colorado, and many afternoons and weekends were spent in the mountains. I plan on spending many more days outside in our beautiful world!
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